Motivational Quotes from Top Financial Experts

Jamie Hopkins: Managing Partner for Wealth Solutions at Carson Group
“Believe in yourself more. Write down the six most important things you need to accomplish that day. I call it my ‘six most,’ and if I hit that, then I have had a successful day.”

Ed Slott, CPA: President and Founder of Ed Slott and Company, LLC
“Find some golden nugget each day, and find a way to use it to make a real difference.”

Tom Hegna: Economist, Author, and Retirement Income Expert
“Number one is attitude—you have to keep your attitude positive. The riches are in the niches.
Find the successful people who have made a shift, and then you might have to do things a little differently.”

Dan Nicholson: Founder and CEO of Nth Degree CPAs; Creator of The Certainty App
“Too often, we only look at outcomes in terms of revenue or expenses, but other outcomes can be just as or even more valuable when it comes to getting closer to what you really, truly want.”

Dean Thurman: Cofounder of White Glove Workshops; Co-owner and Senior Partner of InvestWise Financial
“Attitude is everything. The glass always has to be half full, and you have to believe in yourself that way. You have to go out on a limb because that’s where the fruit is—take that risk.”

Erin Botsford: Founder of Botsford Financial Group; CEO of The Advisory Authority
“Starvation is a wonderful motivator, and staying in your comfort zone will never drive people to greatness. None of this is rocket science; it’s intentionality.”

Eszylfie Taylor: President of Taylor Insurance and Financial Services
“Just stay the course. There are no shortcuts. It’s the little things I did consistently day in and day out that got me here.”

Eric Feng: Global Motivational Speaker
“I strongly believe that how you begin your day determines how it will end. Every morning, I deliberately surround myself with positivity, and I take the first hour of my day to do things for myself.”