How to Be Lucky in Business
To have “luck” in business, you need to take action and have a positive mindset. Employ these tactics to make good fortune shine on you.

It can look like some people and businesses get the most opportunities and have all the luck. However, experts say that most good luck isn’t happenstance and that much of what we call “luck” results from actions and a mindset that “lucky” people use to take advantage of the events around them to get ahead. Follow these strategies to create good luck in your business.
Assess your attitude
People who think they are lucky tend to be so because they make their own luck by having self-confidence and a can-do attitude to get things done. For instance, if you tried to win two business contracts but only got one, you could look at the one you lost as a learning experience and aim for a better outcome next time. Or you could hurt your chances for future deals by criticizing yourself and letting self-doubt get in the way. Work on developing a glass-is-half-full mindset instead of a half-empty attitude, and push yourself to nurture a positive outlook on life. It may turn out that the bid you recently lost was mostly well received, and if you work to understand why it didn’t go through or use the contacts you gained in the deal to gain future opportunities, you may come out ahead next time.
Be open to opportunity
“Lucky” people tend to be so because they are open to new opportunities and have a knack for perceiving them. In multiple studies, Richard Wiseman, a British researcher and author of the book The Luck Factor, revealed that individuals who tend to have “good luck” are perceptive and receptive to chance circumstances. He is known for his famous experiment in which he asked participants to flip through a newspaper and count the advertisements within. Only some people spotted carefully placed advertisements in the newspaper that said exactly how many ads there were and quit counting early; all other participants kept counting. His work shows that if you keep your eyes open for only what you expect to see, you may miss opportunities and that it’s possible to train yourself to be more relaxed and open so you can spot more of them. Try to be alert to new opportunities for your business by doing things like keeping up with current events, reading business magazines and journals, staying in touch with your clients, and keeping tabs on what your competition is doing.
Listen to your gut
While doing your research is a big part of having luck in business, part of it is dependent on listening to your “gut”—your subconscious recollection of past experiences and results. When something “feels” like the right thing to do, that’s your gut talking, and its instinctive memories can help point you in the right direction when it’s time to make business decisions.
Build strong relationships
If you maintain your existing friendships and relationships and constantly work to build new ones, you are more likely to be successful in business because these connections can be helpful sources of support and lead to future business opportunities. Be sociable, attend networking opportunities and community events, and stay in touch with your contacts. Keep abreast of what they are up to on social media, and be sure to reach out to them via email or text or arrange a get-together.
TAKE ACTION: Create your own luck by working on building connections. Send a text or an email to an old friend or business contact, or attend a social or business event to meet new people.