Find and Keep Your Motivation
Everyone has something that motivates them, whether it be family, money, or helping others. Sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint your motivations, but it’s important to consistently tune in to them to keep your momentum. These tactics can help.

Keep tabs on your competition
Getting to know your competition has various benefits, but, most importantly, it will motivate you to do better. Take time every day to ask yourself how you’re going to beat your competitors. What can you offer that they can’t?
Expand your network
No growth can happen when you remain inside a bubble. Connecting with new customers, vendors, employees, and industry thought leaders can inspire your next steps as a business. Make it a point to regularly log in to LinkedIn, host conferences, and meet with your team to have open discussions.
Set focused goals
If you’re having trouble staying motivated, try setting focused micro goals. Write your daily micro goals on a whiteboard, dividing them into categories such as revenue, retention, and product launches. Most people find it satisfying to cross off their completed goals at the end of the day.
Find a mentor
A mentor is an overlooked tool that you should start using more. Advice and instruction from those who are well versed in what motivates you can keep you engaged, curious, and passionate.